Friday, February 29, 2008

Thing 9—On-Line Collaboration Tools

I found using Google Docs much easier, probably in part because it actually let me edit and comment on the text. I couldn’t figure out how to make Zoho let me do that, even with the link and with an account. Google Docs just seemed more intuitive to me, probably because it worked more like Word.

As for what the founding fathers would think—

I think that Jefferson would have whole-heartedly embraced the change that has come along in technology. Everything he did in his home and in his professional life indicates that he would love this ability to see and edit material in this fashion. Just think, the whole Continental Congress could have been a webinar or a virtual conference, with no one needing to travel. Think what we might have lost from the correspondence between John Adams and Abigail Adams, though. Their marriage might have been happier, but their legacy from their letters would have been less wonderful

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